Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chronicles of house selling - the middle part

We've been trying to fix up our house to sell. In essence doing this makes you look at your house and where you live as a stranger, and requires you to distance yourself from it emotionally. Now, as you may or may not know, I am a very emotional person so this process has required a great deal of effort from me, on top of the physical stuff required in painting, fixing, sorting, packing, and moving heavy objects.

Now, all the crazy wall colours we went overboard with have been neutralized by what I call parchmenty. The devastatingly stained linoleum has been unceremoniousely ripped out and replaced -- by virtue of my own sweat and a little blood -- by fabulous peal-and-stick black-and-white vinyl. And on and on. And yet, there is more to do.

Ah, well. Suffer on I will.

And we still do not know where we are moving to, so this may all just be an excersize in futility. In better not be. Hmph.

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